Meditations in Chinese

Meditations in Chinese

Experience of Breathing Room meditations designed for our Chinese speaking audience

Meditations in Chinese
  • 免费静心 (Chinese)

    5 items


  • 熟练者静心:你的旅程开始于这里 (Chinese)

    5 items

    你的旅程从这里开始。 这五组静心为你提供了完整的生活工具包

    你的5天旅程将从呼吸室的熟练者静心系列开始。 这五组静心将建构更和平的生活基础。 本系列中的每个静心都包含一个对静心的益处,以及你应该什么时候练习的介绍。

    你会以培养和平和展现出真挚的意图来开始练习。 接下来,你会注意到自己的呼吸和头脑的混乱被清除。 一旦感到清醒,你的注意力就会指向内在,由此你可以加深与自己的连结并迎接你的直觉。 这个系列以呼吸练习结束,以帮助您焕新能量与活力。

  • 四个神圣的秘密 (Chinese)

    22 items


    O&O学院的创办人Preethaji和Krishnaji将会指导您回归自己的各个方面,并帮助它们变得完整。 从这个连结的空间,您将会学会摆脱恐惧,从而创造丰盛喜悦的人生。

  • Ekam Meditators Practice (Chinese)

    2 items

    An Ekam Meditator is an instrument in shifting human collective consciousness towards greater compassion, peace & oneness.

    The Ekam Maha Kshetra was conceived to support the cause of this Global shift in consciousness towards Oneness. Becoming an Ekam Meditator you become an instrument in bringi...

  • Arambashakthi - The New Year Meditations (Chinese)

    0 items

    The energy that emanates from your mind, consciousness and your loved ones determines the pace at which life unfolds or a project moves forward. Practice this set of meditations to create positive energy and unfold a great new year.

  • Meditation for Beginners (Chinese)

    6 items

    Learn the foundational elements of meditation to become calm, conscious and connected.

    You already have everything you need to meditate. This foundational series will show you how to sit, breath and relax to bring about a more beautiful life. Practicing these five meditations will help you to be...

  • 平静 (Chinese)

    9 items


    平静是专为培养深刻的内在和平感而设计的静心,是八个引导式静心中的一个。最佳练习法是每天都做一次。 如果你错过了一天,也无需担心, 只要接着练习就可以了。 平静的每个阶段都针对你身体、头脑和意识的特定面向, 这种循序渐进的方式会让你连结这三者,从而带来更大的幸福感。

    这个系列的静心从几个呼吸静心开始来帮助你放松。 通过学会放松神经系统,你会发现更大的平静感。 一旦处于这种状态,你的注意力就会转向大脑的边缘系统(你的大脑中心)平静下来。 这会让身体安定下来并且头脑变得清晰。 从这个自在之所...

  • Moon Meditation (Chinese)

    3 items

    Allow lunar energies to flow into your physical and energy body for renewal.

    Dependent on specific phases of the moon, different energies from the moon flow through you. Out with the redundant old and in with the new! Allow these moon meditations to bring about a magical change in you. Join us f...

  • Ekam Circle 2.0 (Chinese)

    8 items

    Experience our meditations to access Universal Intelligence to receive gifts week after week. Celebrate an abundant life.